This guide will give you the basic idea how to get Class Hall Missions up and running and leaves the rest for you to experience. It would be very laborious to go through all twelve Class Halls and their quest chains in the guide and frankly, a bit pointless too, because all the Class Halls Campaigns follow a certain "big picture" despite naturally having very different quests. Class Hall Missions also benefit the player by rewarding some usable items and also a handful of missions are needed to complete the Order Hall Campaign.Ĭlass Halls have lots of features, but the guide will focus on the Class Hall Missions and everything which is needed to keep them running. Some of your Champions don't fear to the get their hands dirty they can follow you to discover the Broken Isles as Combat Allies. While your Champions gain levels, they become more efficient in missions and allows them to raise their item level and wear equipment. You can aid your Champions by pairing them up with Troops expendable units which are recruited at your Class Hall.

One of many features of Class Halls are the Class Hall Missions where you send your Champions to face different encounters and gain experience. The Hall of Shadows (Rogue Class Order Hall) Some of the Class Halls are already known to the World of Warcraft players like Acherus for Death Knights, but there are also several new areas to discover. Each of the twelve classes has their own unique zone to develop your class Artifact Weapon and progress on the Order Hall Campaign.

One of the major additions in the World of Warcraft expansion Legion are the Class Order Halls which act as base of operations against the Legion for your class.